Domain Name Tactics Every Business Should Follow When you're starting a business, you want to make sure that you register all the names that are out there under the banner of your brand. You may not know this, but there are a lot of people that seek out registration points to make a profit later on. Some companies spend upwards of millions of dollars to buy domains after they have been taken up by some technical guru somewhere and that could be problematic overall. If you're looking to ensure that you keep your brand and name circulating in the right industries, you'll want to seek out domain name tactics every business needs to follow. The following things will help you get to that place where you have absolute control. Check on All Domain Variations - The first thing that you need to do is make sure to use a domain name checker to find variations of your name that you may not have. If you already have a dot com, look for dot net, dot us, and other points of interest. These will definitely help you maintain a handle on the marketplace in case someone types in the wrong name or suffix. This is crucial to keeping your brand away from any marauders that might come through and tarnish it by applying it to a different type of business or one of illicit nature. Domain Name Registration - Before you even open the doors to your business, snatch up the name. Whenever you have an idea for a lateral move, or a branch of your company's policies use a domain search to find if it's available than purchase the name fast. Names are snatched up fast today and some are just waiting to take your variations so keep that in mind. Do not let someone else take what you're placing on hold or parking, instead make a preemptive strike and keep moving forward. Not only do you need to register your main name, do so with every variation on the spelling of the name including abbreviations. Renewals - When you're working with domain name registration it's very important that you keep track of renewal dates. If you don't remember when something renews, you are going to find it hard to move forward when someone else buys it from under you. There are a great number or horror stories where people let a domain name lapse only to find out that someone else was just waiting for a chance to purchase it. One last thing to remember when dealing with names is to keep track of the contact information on each one. If you change email addresses, when the renewal point comes into play, you could end up losing the URL. Do not risk it, always keep your information up to date, register names frequently and do not let anyone take your brand without a fight. There are so many odd characters out there just waiting for a slip up so that they can profit on selling back the name that is rightfully yours. Always keep an eye open as to what is going on with domains, so that you aren't caught off guard. If you are looking to purchase a domain name for your business, click on the link. Or you can visit and avail of our 6 months free hosting! Article Source:
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